Apps Overview
  • 30 Mar 2023
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Apps Overview

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Article summary

The Apps window is essentially a library of managed apps that you can install on your devices. From this window you can see which apps are loaded and available to install on your devices, which ones are currently installed on devices, and which release channel (Alpha, Beta, or Production) they are installed on. You can also upload apps from this window so they're available to install on your devices.

For information about uploading apps, see Uploading and Installing Apps.

Apps Window

Apps Detail Window

When you select an app from the Apps window, the app's detail window opens. From here you can replace an app if an updated version is available or promote an app from one release channel to the next.

The different release channels allow you to test an app on a device before making it generally available. Alpha is the default channel, used for early testing. Beta is used for more widespread testing, while the Production channel is for general availability. All devices should be running in Production.

To learn how to promote an app to the next release channel, see Uploading and Installing Apps.

Apps Detail Window

The detail window provides the following information about the current version of the app:

  • Which release channel the app is installed in (Alpha, Beta, or Prod)
  • File name
  • Release date
  • Date the app was uploaded into Control
  • Version number
  • Version code
  • signature (a unique ID)

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