Creating Labels in Skykit Control
  • 23 Feb 2023
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Creating Labels in Skykit Control

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Article summary

By assigning custom labels or "tags" to your devices, you can organize your displays in a way that works for you and your company. If you also use Skykit Beam, the labels you create and assign in Skykit Control will sync with Skykit Beam (and vice versa). Labels also allow you to narrow the device list by filtering it to include only those devices that have been assigned certain labels.

Creating Label Categories and Labels

In order to create labels, you must first create a label category, then add labels to the category.

Creating a Label Category

  1. Select the label icon to the left of the search field to expand the Labels menu. The menu lists all existing label categories and labels and allows you to create new labels.

    Devices window - Labels menu highlighted
  2. To create a new label category, select +Create and then select Label Category.

    Select Label Category
    The Create a Label Category window opens.

    Create a Label Category window
  3. Enter a descriptive name for the label category and select Create Label Category.

    Label category created
    The new category is added to the labels menu.

    Labels menu showing newly created category

Creating Labels

To add labels to a category:

  1. Select +Create and then select Label.

    Create new label - Label option highlighted
    The Create a Label window opens.

    Create a Label window
  2. Enter the label name in the Label name field.
  3. From the Nest under drop-down list, select the category where the new label will live. The Create Label button becomes available.

    New label created
    Note: Labels must be nested under a label category. You cannot save a label without adding it to a category.
  4. Select Create Label to add the label to the category.

    New label listed in menu
  5. Repeat steps 1–4 for each label you want to add to the label category.

Editing Labels and Label Categories

Note: If you use Skykit Beam, any changes you make to a label category or label in Control will also be applied in Beam (and vice versa), so you will not have to manually update the labels assigned to displays or playlist entries.

To edit a label category or label:

  1. Hold your mouse over the category or label name and select the three-dot menu to see the menu options.

    Labels menu - Edit icon highlighted
  2. Select Edit. The Edit Category or Edit Label window opens, depending on which one you're updating.

    Edit Category window showing maple label
  3. Edit the label or category name.

    Edit Label window - label changed from Maple to Silver Maple
  4. Select Edit to save the changes and return to the Labels menu. The edited label or category name is updated for every device it is assigned to.

    Edited label updated in device list

Deleting Labels and Label Categories

Warning: Before you delete a label or label category, make sure none of the labels you plan to delete are in use. Deleting labels that are actively being used could interrupt playback.

When you delete a label category, you also delete all the labels within that category.

To delete a label or label category:

  1. Select the three-dot menu next to the category or label you want to remove and select Delete.
  2. You're asked to confirm that you want to permanently delete the label or category.

    Confirm deleting label
  3. Select Yes, Delete This Label. The label is removed from the list.

Next Steps

When you've finished creating labels, you can assign them to your devices.

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