Creating Programs in Skykit Beam
  • 19 Jan 2023
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Creating Programs in Skykit Beam

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Article summary

Creating a Program

  1. Select Programs from the navigation bar to open the Programs menu. All of your existing programs are listed here.

    Programs menu

  2. To create a new program, select the +Program button. The Choose Segment Type window opens.

    Programs - Choose Segment Type window

  3. From the Program Orientation list, select Landscape or Portrait, depending on how your displays are set up. In this example, we've selected Landscape.

    Choose Segment Type window - Landscape orientation highlighted

  4. Select the program layout that's best suited to your content. Layouts range from one to four individual display panes, with some, such as the Ticker Standard, designed for specific types of content. In this example, we've chosen the four-pane layout.

    Choose Segment Type window - four-pane layout highlighted

  5. After you select a program layout, the Program Detail window opens. You are now ready to manage your program by adding and editing content.

    Program Detail content item manager

Copying an Existing Program

If you want your new program to have the same layout and settings as an existing program but with different content, you can simply copy the existing program and then edit the content.

  1. Open the program you want to copy and then select the copy icon.

    Program Detail window - copy icon highlighted

  2. Enter a name for the new program at the prompt and then select Copy.

    Copy Program pop-up window

You can now go back to the Programs menu, select the new program, and update the content.

Next Steps

Now that you've created a program, learn how to manage it in Beam.

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