What are Fallback Content and the Timeout Period in Web View?
  • 11 May 2023
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What are Fallback Content and the Timeout Period in Web View?

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Article summary

Fallback content in Web View is the content item you select to play in case the Skykit player cannot reach or open your designated web address. This could be caused by something like a slow internet connection or a network outage. Instead of showing "404 Page Not Found" or "No Internet Connection," Skykit will display your chosen fallback content.

The content item you select for your fallback content should be something that does not require an internet connection, because if Skykit reverts to playing fallback content, it means it does not have an internet connection to begin with. The available content types that may be used as your fallback content include slide presentations, PDF files, or images, which do not require an internet connection.

The timeout period in web view is the amount of time you want Skykit to try to reach your designated web address. If the timeout period has expired and Skykit was not able to reach your designated web address, Skykit will begin playing your designated fallback content instead.

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