Getting Started Guide for Skykit Turf
  • 29 Aug 2023
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Getting Started Guide for Skykit Turf

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Article summary

The following steps will help you get started using Skykit Turf and integrating it with your environment.

Step 1: Integrate Your Calendar System

The first step in setting up Turf is integrating Turf with your Google or Microsoft environment. You'll need to create a service account that will allow Turf to pull in your resource calendars.

Note: This process requires administrative rights to your Google or Microsoft environment.

Choose your integration type:

Step 2: Set Up Turf Spaces

After you've integrated Turf with your environment, you'll be able to create your spaces and associate them with your resource calendars.

Choose your Turf solution:

Step 3: Set Up Your Employee Directory

The next step is to set up your employee directory so employees can be found when they check in to Turf or book a room or desk space. The employee directory should upload automatically, but you can also upload it manually.

You can also enable auto-sync to upload your directory automatically everyday. This way, the directory is always up to date.

Step 4: Set Up Your Displays

The final step is to connect your Turf display and assign it to the space.

The setup process is similar for most devices.

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