Genesys Dashboards
  • 27 Jun 2024
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Genesys Dashboards

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Article summary

To set up your Genesys dashboard connection in Skykit Beam, you'll need:

  • A display or screen to play your content

  • A Skykit Media Player and an HDMI cord

  • Internet connectivity

To set up your display:

  • Turn on the display.

  • Connect your media player to the display using the HDMI cord.

  • Connect your power cable to a power source and your media player.

  • Log in to Skykit Beam to set up your secure dashboard connection.

  • If required, select your desired tenant.

  • From the Content screen, click the +Content button at the top right.

  • Select Dashboards from the create menu.

  • Fill out the following fields in the Dashboard creation process.

Step 1: Which dashboard provider would you like to use?

Within the dropdown menu and scroll down and select the Genesys option.

In the Enter a dashboard URL field, enter the Genesys URL you would like to display. Remember, you must also include https:// in your URL.

Step 2: How do you want to log in to your dashboard?

Within the dropdown menu, select the way you want to login with.

  • Direct

    Note: This is currently the only authentication option available for Genesys

Can't find the login method you're looking for? Please reach out to

Step 3: What is the username and password used to log in to your dashboard?

Important Note

The Genesys website has restrictions on account logins, for this reason it is currently a requirement that one Genesys account is used per Skykit device. This means that dashboards created in Beam should be used on only one device at a time. For example, a playlist could have multiple dashboards with the same user account, but that playlist should only be played on one device.

Furthermore, Genesys login sessions do not expire, so if a device is going to be changed to new account credentials the webview cache must be deleted by a Skykit team member when the new content is assigned to ensure the new account is used. When the same account is used on more than one device the websocket connection can be lost on one or both devices leading to no data, or old data, being displayed.

If this is your first dashboard connection, you'll need to create a username and password.

  • Select +Add a new dashboard username and password from the username list, then enter a user name and password for your dashboard software in the fields.


Soon the additional property loginOrg will be available to set alongside username/password. For now, the Skykit team will be required to manually add the loginOrg value to the resource custom config after creation. This is a required property for the Genesys website

Next, give your dashboard username and password a nickname to be easily identified later. The next time you look in username and password list, you will see this nickname.


As stated above, the account credentials should only be re-used for dashboards that will be put in a playlist to be run on one device.

Step 4: What do you want to name your Beam Dashboard?

Name your dashboard so you can easily find it within Beam.

Step 5: Reload Duration

This setting determines how often Skykit will force your dashboard to reload. If it’s crucial to show the most up to date data, set a low reload duration.


If your displays are on a mobile network, frequent page reloads can be costly. Reducing the Reload Duration can help save costs when your displays use a mobile connection.

Genesys is a live data website, so even without refreshing data should stay up to date, and the default value of 4 hours should be an acceptable value.

Recommended to keep this value between 1 and 6 hours.

Step 6: Additional Settings

Timeout Duration

Skykit will attempt to reach your dashboard within the designated time frame. If it's not successful, we'll move on after the duration has passed.

Content Duration

Genesys is a heavy load website, because of this its better to give a little extra time for initial load so a duration of 3+ minutes is recommended.


This value should remain as the default “Enabled” which allows for more seamless experience for multiple dashboards in a playlist, If this is set to disabled it can cause issues when it is played in a playlist as the lack of cached a webpage seems to have a higher rate of websocket failures.

If you have any problems during the setup process, please contact

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