Programs in Skykit Beam
  • 31 Jan 2023
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Programs in Skykit Beam

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Article summary

This feature is available in the following plans:

✔ Base✔ Pro✔ Enterprise

Programs in Beam

Programs allow you to quickly and easily assemble different content items into a predefined template layout. This gives you the ability to show more than one content item at a time on your displays. Programs also allow you to loop a single program segment, making them ideal for static content like menu boards.

Program content item manager

You can also insert programs into playlists or collections as content entries.

What is a Program Layout?

Program layouts allow you to showcase multiple content items on your displays at the same time. There are two categories of program layouts: Landscape or Portrait. Each display pane (individual rectangle) can hold one content item. See the diagrams below to view the different layout options.

Note: The Ticker Standard layouts (portrait and landscape) are only available for Pro and Enterprise customers.

Program layouts - landscape

Program layouts - portrait

What are Program Segments?

Programs are made up of one or more program segments. Each program segment can contain up to four different content items, depending on which program layout you choose. Multiple program segments can be chained together in one program, making it easy to organize the content to be played on your displays for the whole day. 

When you create a program segment, you must first choose a program layout.

Program segments

Thumbnail images of each program segment are displayed in the segment navigation area. Use the left and right arrows to move through all the segments. 

You can delete a segment by selecting it and then choosing Remove.

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