What Is Auto-Publish for Google Slideshows?
  • 02 Nov 2022
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What Is Auto-Publish for Google Slideshows?

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Article summary

Note: Auto-Publish is only available when you are managing a Google slideshow.

Auto-Publish allows you to tell Skykit to automatically sync and publish your content overnight.

Auto-Publish toggle

Turning on Auto-Publish (available in the Slides Settings drawer) lets you make tomorrow's changes the day before. This saves you from having to manually click sync and publish overnight the night before. Perhaps you have a slideshow that plays every day, but you want the first slide to have a different welcome message for each day of the week. If you enable Auto-Publish, you can update the message the day before and it will sync and publish overnight.

Auto-Publish also allows you to grant someone access to your Google Slides presentation in Google Drive so they can make changes without you having to give them access to the Skykit content manager, thereby keeping your Skykit account secure.

When you use Auto-Publish, Skykit will typically publish your content between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. in the timezone of the tenant your content is in.

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