Adding a New User
  • 19 Dec 2022
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Adding a New User

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Article summary

Only users in Administrator roles can add users.

Adding a User

  1. Select Users on the navigation bar to open the Users menu.
  2. Select +Users in the upper right corner of the window.

    Users menu

    The Add a User window opens.

    Add a User window

  3. Enter the email address of the user you want to add.

    Add a User window showing new user email address

  4. Select Create User. The Users detail window opens. This is where you assign user roles and permissions.

    Users detail window

  5. Under Roles, select Manager, Basic, or Administrator, depending on the access level the new user needs.

    Users detail window - new user assigned manager role

  6. Select the back arrow to return to the Users menu. The new user is now listed in the menu.

    Users menu - new user listed

The new user will now be able to log in to Beam by going to

Learn more about each user role permission.

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